

  • paragraphs
    @PP vertical @ParaGap & horizontal @ParaIndent.
    @LP vertical @ParaGap.
    @LLP new line (use lines @Break for multiple lines).
    @DP vertical @DisplayGap.
    @NP new page.
    @CNP conditional new page (checks if there is enough space left).

  • concatenation symbols
    |.5i horizontal concatenation with a .5 inch gap.
    /.5i vertical concatenation with a .5 inch gap.
    || and // variant ignores column marks and justifies the objects.
    ^ and // sets a mark.

  • gap modes
    e edge-to-edge.
    h hyphenation.
    o overstrike.
    x mark-to-mark.
    k kerning.
    t tabulation.

    def @TeX { T{ /0.2fo E }X }
    @OneRow { | -2p @Font n ^/0.5fk 2 } # the mark is set on the 2

  • units
    c centimeters.
    i inches.
    p points (72p = 1i).
    m ems (12m = 1i).
    f size of the current font.
    s gap between two words.
    v gap between lines.
    w width of the following component, or its height if the symbol is vertical concatenation.
    b width of the whole concatenation object, or its height if the symbol is vertical concatenation.
    r equals one b minus one w. This unit is used for centring, and for left and right justification.
    d degrees.
    y current value set by the @YUnit symbol.
    z current value set by the @ZUnit symbol.